How to Create a 404 Page
A 404 page can be created by going to Appearance > Block Areas, then clicking on Add New.
Simply select “404” from the dropdown menu on the sidebar, and start adding content. Once you hit publish, whatever content you add to that page will display on your 404 page.
You can call the page whatever you want, but make sure that you call it something that makes sense. I just called mine “404 Page.”
Then, start editing the page.
To see what your published 404 page looks like, just add some random characters to the end of your site URL to trigger a 404. (Typing the number 404 should do it!)
What Should Be Included In a 404 Page
Your 404 Page should be unique to your site and your brand, but should have a few elements:
- A short, concise message telling the person landing on the page that the page that they requested is not there anymore. (Oops, the page you requested no longer exists.)
- Some options to find other content – a link to your Homepage, Recipe Index, About Page – anything that fits with your brand and would be useful to your readers.
- A Post Listing with recent or popular posts.
- A Search Box to help readers try and find what it was that they were originally looking for.
Here are some examples of some great 404 pages. And, here’s mine.