Design Questionnaire Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. – Step 1 of 5Your Name *Email *Your Website *NextQuestions about other websites In this section, we’re asking direct questions about other websites as they relate to yours. What are some websites you compete with?You may not have direct competitors, so list 3 to 5 sites with similar subjects, audience, or scopeWhat are some websites you find visually appealing?List 3 to 5, preferably outside your industry (e.g. or that you feel look greatWhat are some other websites you admire?These may be industry leaders, mastermind peers, or friends who have sites and/or features you respect, but not necessarily what they look likeNextTechnical Questions In this section, we’re asking a few technical questions. Answer as best you can but if you simply don’t know, let us know and we’ll help you figure it out later. How important is site speed and core web vitals to you?It’s literally everything!Very importantSomewhat importantNot important at allHow important is accessibility?It’s literally everything!Very importantSomewhat importantNot important at allIn a mobile-first world, how important is desktop design to you?Very important, even if I’m the only one to see itSomewhat important, I do care about desktop usersNot very important, it’s an afterthought for sureNot important at all, I’m totally focused on mobileHow important is your visual presentation?It’s literally everything! How it looks is the most important thing!Very important; it should look good but how it works still mattersSomewhat important; it should look good but how it works matters moreNot important at all; it should look good but how it works is far more importantHow aggressive should your advertising be?Extremely; optimize for maximum ad placement please!Normal; I just do whatever my ad network saysBalanced; I need ads but user experience matters just as muchNot aggressive; I need ads but user experience is a greater priorityI don’t have ads on my siteHow many site authors are on your site?Just me!Several people, but all post are published under my author nameSeveral authors, and posts are published under their namesDo you have a cookbook (or cookbooks) to promote on your site?Yes, multiple cookbooksYes, one cookbookNot yet, but there’s one in the worksNo, but I may in the futureNo, and there are no plans for oneDo you have a free downloadable e-book on your site?I have e-books but they’re not freeYes, multiple free e-booksYes, one free e-bookNot yet, but there’s one in the worksNo, but I may in the futureNo, and there are no plans for oneDo you have shop items on your site?I have a store but it’s off-site (Shopify, BigCommerce, etc)Yes, but transactions are handled off-site (Shopify, BigCommerce, etc)Yes, but they’re simply affiliate links (to Amazon, etc)Yes, and transactions are on-site (WooCommerce, etc)No, but I may in the futureNo, and there are no plans for oneWhich "recipe card" or "how-to" plugin do you currently use?WP Recipe MakerTasty RecipesCreate by MediavineI don’t use a recipe/how-to cardAre you using Slickstream or Grow?I am currently using SlickstreamI am planning to use Slickstream soonI am currently using Grow by MediavineI am planning to use Grow by MediavineIf you're using (or plan to use) Slickstream or Grow, which features do you use?SearchUser Favoriting (hearts)Filmstrip of posts at top of pageEngagement Posts (Related or Recommended)Email subscribe (with background darken feature)What social media accounts do you use for your site?PinterestFacebookInstagramTik TokTwitterSnapchatYouTubeRedditYummlyHave you worked with any SEO consultants relatively recently?Casey Markee @ Media WyseArsen Rabinovich @ Top Hat RankJeff Hawley @ HashtagJeffTy Kilgore @ Everything Digital MarketingMarie Haynes @ MHCOther SEO consultantsDo you currently work with any technical support companies?NerdPressiMark InteractiveMike ZielonkaOther tech support consultantsOther Technical SupportWhat email service do you currently use?NextFeeling Questions In this section, we’re asking indirect questions to gain a better understanding of you, your brand, and how your new website should ultimately feel. There are no wrong answers, just go with your gut and pick what feels right to you. Modern, or Classic?ModernClassicContemporary, or Traditional?ContemporaryTraditionalBold & dramatic, or Light & airy?Bold & dramaticLight & airyBlack & white, with some pops of color, or Lots of playful colors?Black & white, with some pops of colorLots of playful colorsTrendy, or Timeless?TrendyTimelessCompact & Dense, or Plenty of Whitespace?Compact & DensePlenty of WhitespaceOfficial, or Informal?OfficialInformalLe Creuset, or Staub?StaubLe CreusetClean & Simple, or Ornamented?Clean & SimpleOrnamentedSerious, or Whimsical?SeriousWhimsicalBrand-new furniture, or Heirloom furniture?Heirloom furnitureBrand-new furnitureMinimalist, or Bohemian?MinimalistBohemianName Brand, or Store Brand?Name BrandStore BrandApproachable, or Authoritative?ApproachableAuthoritativeUncomplicated, or Sophisticated?UncomplicatedSophisticatedFlamboyant, or Tasteful?FlamboyantTastefulPopular, or Indie?PopularIndieLarge hotel chain, or Boutique hotel chain?Large hotel chain (Hilton, Marriott)Boutique hotel chain (Ace, Graduate)Luxurious, or Thriftiness?LuxuriousThriftinessPredictability, or Excitement?PredictabilityExcitementTarget, or Walmart?TargetWalmartFashionably Modern, or Beautifully Antique?Fashionably ModernBeautifully AntiqueExperimental, or Tried & True?ExperimentalTried & TrueTop Shelf, or Bargain Buy?Top ShelfBargain BuyTrader Joes, or Whole Foods?Trader JoesWhole FoodsComplex, or Simple?ComplexSimpleToyota Rav4, or Mercedes G-Class?Toyota Rav4 CrossoverMercedes G-Class SUVAdventurous, or Carefully Calculated?AdventurousCarefully CalculatedMysterious, or Familiar?MysteriousFamiliarTime Machine, or Magic Wand?Time MachineMagic WandNextIs there anything else you feel we should know?Submit