Which each major release of WordPress, we now provide an à la carte menu of new features and improvements you may want added to your site.
For WP 6.6, our recommended improvements include:
White Glove WP Update
Update: WordPress 6.6.1 has resolved these breaking changes so the white glove update is no longer necessary. This is one of the reasons we always recommend waiting for the first point release (x.x.1) to avoid breaking changes.
WordPress significantly changed the styles it loads on your site with WP 6.6, which could cause styling issues on your site. We highly recommend scheduling a white glove WP update for this release.
Our team will copy your site to staging, update WordPress and all plugins, then fix any styling issues we find. You can then review the staging site to confirm everything looks correct. On approval, we’ll push the theme updates live and update WordPress on your live site.
Numbered style for images and galleries
You can add a fancy number on top of images and images in galleries, which matches the styling of the fancy list. It is most often used for step-by-step or process shots.
QR Code in printed recipe card
We can update your WPRM print template to include a QR code pointing back to the original post. Our QR codes are generated directly on your server so you’ll never need to purchase credits for a third party API (ex: Quickchart).
Convert Feast blocks to Cultivate blocks
If you were using Feast prior to your Cultivate theme, we likely kept the Feast plugin installed so you wouldn’t lose the FSRI and FSCI blocks you had included in posts. While this worked, they didn’t match the styling and functionality of your new Cultivate blocks. Our new “Cultivate Legacy Blocks” plugin converts FSRI to Post Listings, FSCI to Quick Links, and Advanced Jump To to Table of Contents.
Category Image Schema
Yoast SEO uses the most recent post’s image as the category’s image in the schema, which tells Google what image you want featured when a category page appears in search results. We improve this by using the category’s featured image you’ve set on the Edit Category screen – the same one that is used in the Quick Links block.
Bulk update your primary category
Do you have a lot of posts with “Recipe” set as the primary category? This isn’t optimal for breadcrumbs or SEO, but it can be a hassle updating all your posts. We now have a tool for fixing this! You can set all of your preferred categories in order of preference, and our automation will bulk update the primary category. We’ll run this on staging first to ensure you’re happy with the results, and on approval we’ll run it on the live site.
Bulk update your published date
If you have republished posts by changing the published date in WordPress, we can restore these back to the original (oldest) published date.
Improved editor styling for patterns
WordPress 6.5 made block patterns accessible in Appearance > Patterns. This update improves the styling on that screen so blocks match the site’s content width and are not 100% wide.
Secondary Sites
We can deploy your Pro or VIP theme to additional websites that you own for a fixed cost of $5,000/site. This is essentially our Cultivate Go service, but using your own custom theme rather than one of our pre-built Go themes.
For each website we’ll create a Figma mockup that illustrates how the theme will look using that site’s logo and brand colors. Once approved, we’ll schedule the site launch and follow our standard Go process.
If you would like any of these recommended improvements, please email us at [email protected].