Cultivate Care

Cultivate Care is a proactive approach to improving your theme.

As SEO guidance changes, new blocks become popular, and the WordPress block editor evolves, we are constantly updating and improving our core starter themes.

With every major WordPress release (typically 2–3 times per year), we’ll compile a list of all recommended improvements with à la carte pricing. You can select just the features you want, knowing exactly what they’ll cost, and we’ll implement those updates on your site.

  • 🖊️ No signup: we’ll simply email you 2–3 times per year with optional improvements
  • 🍽️ No surprises with à la carte pricing: each improvement has a fixed, flat-rate price
  • 🧾 Only pay for what you want: Pick none, some, or all recommend improvements

You don’t have to wait for your next SEO audit to find out about the new recommended theme changes — we hear about them first and share them with all CultivateWP clients.

Creative Support

In addition to ongoing Cultivate Care proactive improvements, you may occasionally need new creative work—adding a new block or feature, modifying or redesigning an existing block or element, etc.

When you need new creative work, just ask! We’ll put together an estimate outlining the scope and cost, and add it to our production schedule once the estimate signed.

All support quotes will be one of four levels: Small ($500), Medium ($1,000), Large ($2,000), or Extra Large ($4,000). The majority of our development-only requests are “small”, and those requiring design and development are typically “medium”.

Do I still need a separate support company?

We encourage all clients to have a technical support partner like NerdPress , iMark Interactive, or SiteCare. You will continue to use them for your regular tech support, so always go to them first.

For extra small theme changes (CSS tweaks, theme tweaks, plugin setup) we recommend iMark’s Quick Fix for $49.

Our team is available when you have larger creative needs, like adding a new block or feature.