Integrate ConvertKit & WPForms
ConvertKit makes it easy to capture more leads and sell more products by easily embedding email capture forms anywhere.
This plugin lets you integrate WPForms with ConvertKit, allowing form submissions to be automatically sent to your ConvertKit account.
Note: While we initially built the plugin, it is now actively maintained by ConvertKit.
Download the Plugin
First you’ll need WPForms. We recommend using a paid version so you’ll save a copy of all submissions in the database, but this plugin also works with the free WPForms Lite.
Inside your WordPress site, go to Plugins > Add New and search for Integrate ConvertKit and WPForms, and install that plugin.
Connect your ConvertKit Account
Go to WPForms > Settings > Integrations and click on ConvertKit. Click the “Add New Account” button to connect a ConvertKit account (you can connect multiple ConvertKit accounts if needed).
Click here to get your ConvertKit API key, then paste it in the API key field. You’ll also want to give your account a nickname.
Connect to a form
Open WPForms and edit the form you’d like to connect to ConvertKit. Go to Marketing > ConvertKit to configure the settings. At a minimum you’ll need an email field, but you can also provide a first name and tag.
If your WPForms submissions are not arriving in your ConvertKit account, there may be an issue with your API connection.
Inside WPForms, go to Tools > Logs, check “Enable Logs”, and under Log Types select “Providers”. Be sure to click “Save Changes” after making changes.
At the bottom of this page is a “View Logs” section. This contains a log entry every time there’s a submission that runs through any providers (including ConvertKit), and detail the response received from the API.
Click on one of the logs titled “ConvertKit”. You can send the message to ConvertKit support to help them diagnose the issue you’re having.
If the submission was successful, inside the “response” section you’ll see “200” as the code and “OK” as the message. If the submission was not successful, you’ll see some other code in there and a message describing the issue.